Estably in Robo Advisor performance comparison
Find out how Estably compares in performance with other Robo Advisorn.
Estably in comparison
Robo Advisor performance in the latest real money tests
In the real money performance tests, independent testers invest their own assets in a wide range of providers. This gives you a realistic comparison of robo advisor performance after deducting costs and taxes. (Modern Value 60)
Results from past real money tests
Performance winner 2023
Performance winner 12 months (02/2024)
Performance winner 2023
Best risk-return ratio 2023
Performance of the Estably portfolios
Since existence
Performance before costs and taxes. The values are based both on back calculations and on the actual performance of the model portfolios.
Status: 31.12.2024
Performance of the Estably portfolios
Performance before costs and taxes.
Status: 31.12.2024;
Performance since 2019
Top 10 Robo advisor performances since 2019
This is how Estably performs in a long-term comparison with other providers. The sustained strength of Estably’s performance makes the robo advisor the ideal investment for long-term investors.
Performance since 2016
Comparison with the Robo Advisor performance average
The longer the investment horizon, the more Estably dominates the Robo advisor market: Since 2016, Estably has achieved a strong outperformance compared to the Robo advisor average with its balanced Modern Value 60 portfolio.
Our investment process
Our investment strategy follows a recurring, multi-stage process:
Outstanding companies
- Focus on attractive and future-oriented sectors
- Long-term profitability through competitive advantages
- Superior business models and outstanding managers
- High degree of crisis protection
Attractive valuation on the stock market
- Determination of the fundamental value of a company
- Comparison between fundamental value and share price
- Exploitation of price differences
Selective portfolio management
- Very high selectivity and patience in investment decisions
- A manageable number of positions
- Consideration of individual risk profiles and preferences
Value Investing FAQs
How our investment strategy works
How does value investing work?
Every company traded on the stock exchange has a share price and an “actual” value. We analyze potential companies down to the smallest detail to determine as accurate a value as possible. If the share price is lower than the value, an investment is attractive to us, as we assume that the price will adjust to the value in the long term.
What returns are possible?
Successful value investors regularly outperform the market – i.e. the average – over a long period of time. In contrast to ETFs, we are not tied to an index – this opens up a much broader field of possible investments. Even in the case of an unfavorable development, we are not forced to frantically hold on to certain stocks.
Why doesn't everyone invest this way?
In addition to a lot of experience and excellent analytical skills, value investing also requires courage and patience. Courage not to simply hide behind a stock index, but to deviate from it. Patience, because an approximation between actual value and current price takes time and does not happen overnight.
How does value investing work?
Every company that is traded on the stock exchange has a share price and an “actual” value. We analyze potential companies down to the smallest detail to determine as accurate a value as possible. If the share price is lower than the value, an investment is attractive to us, as we assume that the price will adjust to the value in the long term.
What returns are possible?
Successful value investors regularly manage to outperform the market – i.e. the average – over a long period of time. In contrast to ETFs, we are not tied to an index – this opens up a much broader field of possible investments. Even in the event of unfavourable developments, we are not forced to cling desperately to certain stocks.
Ultimately, the strategy helps our Robo Advisor to achieve an above-average performance.
Why doesn’t everyone invest using this method?
In addition to a lot of experience and excellent analytical skills, value investing also requires courage and patience. Courage not to simply hide behind a stock index, but to deviate from it. Patience, because an approximation between actual value and current price takes time and does not happen overnight.
Individual shares vs. ETFs
That is why we focus on hand-picked individual stocks
While most robo advisors use ETFs for their performance, we believe that the skilful selection of individual stocks will be increasingly in demand in order to achieve above-average returns.
Over the past decade, central banks have been instrumental in driving equity markets higher through their expansionary monetary policies.
In times of more “normal” interest rates, it is unlikely that equity indices (such as the DAX or the S&P 500) will rise to the same extent as in previous years. The ability to pick individual “winning stocks” is therefore becoming more valuable again.
Since 2016
Estably Modern Value 100
Since 2016
(Before costs and taxes; Status: 29.02.2024)
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The Robo Advisor with top performance
Make more of your assets – with the high-performance strategies from Estably.
Benefit from:
- A variety of high-yield investment strategies
- Individual risk preferences
- Personalised service
- And much more!