Modern Value Strategy
Investments in
Top companies
Wir investieren Ihr Vermögen nach modernen Value Investing Prinzipien in sorgfältig selektierte Einzelaktien von erstklassigen Unternehmen.
Modern Value Strategy
Building wealth with outstanding companies
We invest your assets according to modern value investing principles in carefully selected individual shares of first-class companies.
- Investments in 25-35 hand-picked individual stocks
- Bond funds for efficient admixture
- Strongest performing Robo advisor strategy 2023
Hand-picked individual shares
Carefully selected top companies
In our Modern Value strategy, we invest in 25-35 shares of high-quality companies.
Before we decide on a share, a company has to convince us at every level. In addition to balance sheets and key figures, we are particularly interested in soft factors that cannot be measured by numbers. These include, for example, the quality of the business model, the management or unique competitive advantages (more about our investment strategy).
Take a look at our portfolios!
Find out in detail which securities are in our Modern Value portfolio.
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More InformationRisk diversification
Efficient admixture of bonds
To spread the risk in your portfolio, we use our in-house “Fructus Value Capital” bond fund in addition to individual shares. The exact proportion of bonds depends on your risk preference, which you determine when you register.
The fund contains a selection of attractive corporate bonds, which we select with similar care to our individual shares.
Risk management
Concept of the safety margin
The “margin of safety” concept in our value investing strategy ensures that each share in your portfolio has a sufficient safety cushion.
This cushion is created by the difference between the share price and the actual value of the company. The more undervalued a company is according to our analyses, the more leeway it has to weaken in times of crisis, for example, but still be profitable.
We also pay particular attention to the crisis resistance of companies. We prefer to invest in companies that have already survived crises unscathed in the past or have sufficient liquidity to overcome a future crisis.
You determine your growth opportunities
Within the Modern Value strategy, you can choose from five portfolios that differ in terms of their respective equity and bond weightings. A higher proportion of equities generally means more long-term growth potential with higher fluctuations in value.
Value 20
Long-term preservation of real assets with small fluctuations
Value 40
Long-term asset growth with moderate fluctuations
Value 60
Greater growth in the long term with medium fluctuations
Value 80
Significant long-term growth with major fluctuations
Value 100
Strong long-term growth with major fluctuations
Can’t make up your mind?
In our application process, we suggest a suitable portfolio based on your knowledge and risk appetite.
Performance of the Modern Value Portfolios since inception
Our fees: Transparent & fair
The costs for the Modern Value strategy consist of our asset management fee plus bank charges. If we reach a new high with your securities account, an additional performance fee of 10 % is charged on the gains.
Your costs depend on the investment amount paid in:
Management fees Estably
Amount paid in
from € 20,000
from € 250,000
from € 500,000
from € 750,000
from € 1,000,000
from € 5,000,000
Costs p.a.
1.19 %
1.09 %
0.99 %
0.89 %
0.79 %
On request
plus 0.30 % bank charges
- Our administration fees include:
- Portfolio management
- Personal advice
- Service fees
- Bank charges include:
- Custody fees
- Account management fees
- Service fees
- Transaction costs
- Annual tax reports
- Cross-Border Fees
Invest in the winner of the real money performance tests
Performance winner 2023
Performance winner 12 months (02/2024)
Performance winner 2023
Best risk-return ratio 2023
Do you want to invest sustainably in individual shares?
- High MSCI-ESG Score
- Modern Value Investing
- 5 Individual risk preferences
At a glance
Modern Value Strategy
- Investing according to modern value investing principles
- Participations in outstanding companies
- Risk diversification with mixed bonds
- Own securities account at Baader Bank or Liechtensteinische Landesbank
- No commitment or cancellation periods
- Access to your personal dashboard
- Regular information in the form of summarised quarterly reports and company updates
Further strategies
Our “Value Green” strategy is based on hand-picked individual stocks from companies with a high sustainability rating.
The “Best of Funds” strategy allows you to invest in the funds of the most successful value and quality investors.
This strategy focuses on the protection of your assets. To this end, we invest in gold, supplemented by stable currencies.