Invest now

Digital investment in the safest financial center in Europe

We invest your assets in a return-oriented manner and offer maximum protection in the Liechtenstein financial center.

Estably Siegel 2024

Modern value investing according to Warren Buffett

High-performance investing with high-quality individual shares

In the Modern Value strategy, we invest your assets in hand-picked companies that are trading below their value on the stock market.

Estably Portfolio 2024

Hand-picked individual shares

Your assets are invested in shares of outstanding companies.

Diversification through bonds

A bond component in your portfolio ensures diversification and risk spreading.

Transparent fees

In addition to our management fee of 1.19 % p.a., there are bank charges of 0.30 % p.a. and a performance-related fee of 10 %.

Modern Value Estably

+9.41 % p.a. since 2016

Our Modern Value 100 portfolio has achieved an average annual return of 9.41% (before costs and taxes) since 2016

Moderne Value Investing

We rely on the same strategy that makes Warren Buffett, among others, so successful.

Individual Portfolios

You determine the growth opportunities for your assets.


Real Money Performance Test Winners

In the real money performance tests, independent testers invest their own money in the providers in order to present a comparison of returns after costs.

Estably Offensiv Siegel Biallo 2023

Performance winner 2023

geldanlage digital Februar 2024

Performance winner 12 months (02/2024)

brokervergleich Estably 2023 Performance

Performance winner 2023

brokervergleich Estably 2023 Risiko Rendite

Best risk-return ratio 2023

Our portfolios

The right strategy for every type of investor
(also as a company or joint custody account)

The right strategy for every type of investor

(also as company or joint custody accounts)

Should we invest your assets in hand-picked individual shares? Or would you prefer to invest in the funds of star investors?

We offer a long-term, high-yield solution for every type of investor.

Our “Modern Value” strategy is based on hand-picked individual stocks that are selected according to modern value investing principles.

Minimum investment: from € 20,000

Risk classes: 5 variants

Investment approach: Focus on 25-35 high-quality companies

Costs: max. 1.19 % management fee, 0.30 % bank charges and 10 % performance fee on profits

The ‘Best of Funds’ strategy enables you to invest in the funds of the most successful value and quality investors.

Minimum investment: from 20,000

Risk classes: 5 variants

Investment approach: Broadly diversified, focus on funds with a value or quality approach

Costs: max. 1.19 % management fee, 0.30 % bank charges, 0.5 % – 0.8 % product costs and 10 % performance fee on profits

This strategy focuses on protecting your assets. To this end, we invest in gold, supplemented by stable currencies.

Minimum investment: from € 50,000 (only with Liechtensteinische Landesbank)

Risk classes: 5 variants

Investment approach: focus on gold

Costs: max. 1.19 % administration fee and 0.30 % bank charges

Best of Funds

The “Best of Funds” strategy allows you to invest in the funds of the most successful value and quality investors.

Value Green

With our “Value Green” strategy, you invest in carefully selected individual stocks that meet high sustainability standards.

Modern Value

Our “Modern Value” strategy is based on hand-picked individual stocks selected according to modern value investing principles.

Minimum investment

from €20,000

from €20,000

from €20,000

Risk levels

Each strategy has
5 different, freely selectable risk classes:

  • Conservative
  • Defensive
  • Balanced
  • Dynamic
  • Offensive

5 Variants

5 Variants

5 Variants

Investment approach

Focus on 25-35 high-quality companies

Focus on 25-35 high-quality companies with a high MSCI ESG rating

Focus on funds with a value or quality approach

Costs (more)

max. 1.19 % administration fee
0.30 % bank charges
10 % performance fee

max. 1.19 % administration fee
0.30 % bank charges
10 % performance fee

max. 1.19 % administration fee
0.30 % bank charges
10 % performance fee
0.5 % – 0.8 % Product costs

Special features

Asset Protect

This strategy focuses on protecting your assets. To this end, we invest in gold, supplemented by stable currencies.

Best of Funds

The “Best of Funds” strategy enables you to invest in the funds of the most successful value and quality investors.

Value Green

With our “Value Green” strategy, you invest in carefully selected individual securities that meet high sustainability standards.

Modern Value

Our “Modern Value” strategy is based on hand-picked individual stocks that are selected according to modern value investing principles.

Minimum investment

from 20.000€

from 20.000€

from 20.000€

from 50.000€

Risk levels

Each strategy has
5 different, freely selectable risk classes:

  • Conservative
  • Defensive
  • Balanced
  • Dynamic
  • Offensive

5 variants

5 variants

5 variants

5 variants

Investment approach

Concentrated, focus on a few companies

Concentrated, focus on a few companies with a high MSCI ESG rating

Broadly diversified, focus on funds with a value or quality approach

Focus on Gold


From 1.2% all-in fee,
10% performance fee

From 1.2% all-in fee,
10% performance fee

From 0.99% service fee
10% performance fee
~0.65% Product fee

1.19% All-In Fee

Special features

Outstanding (...) with over 35 percent value gain in the offensive investment module. Logo

Principality of Liechtenstein

Security at the most sought-after
financial centre in Europe

Liechtenstein’s unique circumstances ensure an exceptionally stable financial system, which has a positive effect on the security of your custody account.

This makes Liechtenstein unique:

Thanks to exceptionally high equity ratios, Liechtenstein’s banks did not even have to call on state support during the 2008 financial crisis.

Liechtenstein is the only debt-free triple-A state in the world.

Liechtenstein is no longer the tax haven of years gone by. The Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority makes sure of that.

The stable Swiss franc is also the official currency in Liechtenstein.

Liechtenstein can utilise the advantages of the EU without having to bear the liability disadvantages of the ESM.

Schloss in Vaduz, Liechtenstein

Note: A custody account in Liechtenstein involves virtually no additional work for you. We will send you your annual tax report free of charge so that you or your tax advisor can view all the income from your custody account.

Alternatively, we can also manage your custody account at the German Baader Bank. If your main place of residence is in Germany, your taxes will be paid automatically.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Performance of the portfolios

Since the beginning of the year

Since inception

0 %


0 %

Ausgewählte Fonds

0 %

Physisches Gold

Performance before costs and taxes. Status: 31.12.2024


Performance of the 2024 portfolios

0 %

Individual shares

0 %

Selected funds

0 %

Physical Gold

Performance before costs and taxes.
Status: 31.12.2024

Modern Value Investing

In search of undervalued, high-quality

The Value Investing Principle:
"The price is what you pay. The value is what you get.

(Warren Buffett, Value Investor)

The Value Investing Principle:
"The price is what you pay. The value is what you get."

Months of analyses

Before a company ends up in your portfolio, we analyze it down to the smallest detail over a period of months. This is how we increase your long-term return opportunities and reduce the risk.

Low price, high value

To give you the chance of high returns in the long term, we invest exclusively in undervalued companies.

Individual shares as inflation protection

Due to their leading market positions, many of our companies are able to pass on rising inflation rates directly to end consumers.

You stay informed

You will receive regular updates on our investments to keep you informed of our approach.

Markus Prodinger Estably
Markus Prodinger, Managing Director & Partner

Das sagen unsere Kunden


5 Sterne Bewertung Trustpilot Estably

Class Performance + super Service

I had Estably on my radar for a while (from the real money tests) and wanted to wait a little longer, but maybe I should have invested a little earlier, because the performance is simply great!

And as has already been written here, the service is really great, the advisors take enough time for you.

Trustpilot Logo 2023

Tamara B.

5 Sterne Bewertung Trustpilot Estably

Friendly customer service

I feel that I am in good hands with Estaby. The search for a partner to manage my assets required a lot of comparative work. The personal contact was always friendly and appreciative, which you don’t find everywhere. I am satisfied.

Please keep up the good work!

Trustpilot Logo 2023


5 Sterne Bewertung Trustpilot Estably

Absolutely recommendable!

Everything is explained very clearly on the website. I had a brief consultation with an advisor before signing the contract, just to make sure I had understood everything correctly.

Great combination of digital and “in person”. Absolutely recommendable!

Trustpilot Logo 2023
brokervergleich Estably 2023 Performance
brokervergleich Estably 2023 Risiko Rendite

Estably achieved the Highest return of all robo-advisors and beat both benchmarks . logo


Frequently asked questions

While traditional robo-advisors usually invest passively in ETFs, we endeavour to achieve above-average returns by carefully selecting individual shares. We are the only provider to rely on a modern form of value investing strategy, which investment legend Warren Buffett, among others, swears by.

As the only robo-advisor in the Principality of Liechtenstein, you also benefit from the excellent framework conditions of one of the most sought-after financial centres in the world.

Find out more about how Estably differs from other providers in our whitepaper.

Depending on your investment strategy, we invest your assets in the following asset classes:

Modern Value: individual equities and bond funds

Value Green: Sustainable individual equities and bond ETFs

Best of Funds: Equity and bond funds and a few individual equities

Asset Protect: Physical gold and foreign currencies

Our clients’ funds are held in safekeeping by our custodian banks (Baader Bank or Liechtensteinische Landesbank). Both banks are affiliated to deposit protection schemes, which means that the securities in your custody account are kept completely separate from the rest of the bank’s assets and are not affected in the event of the bank’s insolvency. In the event of insolvency, you can simply have them transferred to another bank of your choice. Your account balance is protected in the event of insolvency up to an amount of EUR 100,000 or CHF 100,000.

No. You can close your custody account at any time. We will sell the securities in your custody account as soon as possible and your money will be credited to your reference account.

For digital asset management with a custody account at Baader Bank, the minimum investment amount is € 20,000. The minimum investment amount with a custody account at Liechtensteinische Landesbank is €50,000

Start your high-performance digital investment

With Estably, you invest in high-quality investments to achieve high returns in the long term – and it’s completely uncomplicated.

Estably Mockup Phone White

Estably Whitepaper

What sets Estably apart from other robo-advisors

Our white paper summarizes in just a few pages what sets Estably apart from its competitors.

Estably Whitepaper Mockup Neu
Estably Whitepaper Mockup Neu

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse!

Sie erhalten in Kürze eine E-Mail mit Bestätigungslink. Nachdem Sie auf diesen geklickt haben, senden wir Ihnen unser Whitepaper umgehend zu.


What sets us apart from other robo-advisors

Find out in just a few pages what sets us apart from other providers on the market.

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Digital Asset Management

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