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Die All-in-One Finanzplanung
Mit Estably und der Private Wealth Police der Vienna Life Lebensversicherung AG

Estably & Vienna Life

The high-performance combination for your assets

The interaction of the flexibly designed private wealth policy and our high-performance asset management provides you with a unique opportunity for private old-age provision.
Estably logo small

The Private Wealth Policy offers exceptional flexibility in the areas of pension and estate management as well as financial and wealth management.

The insurance wrapper gives you a number of tax advantages, such as the omission of the final withholding tax.

With Estably, your return is the focus. With the proven value investing strategy, we strive for above-average performance over the long term.

Private Wealth Policy as an all-in-one solution

The aim of the Private Wealth Policy is to create the most comprehensive wealth management possible, which can be implemented individually for each asset holder.

Your assets in excellent hands

estably auszeichnungen

Our aim is to offer your assets a better return passive forms of investment such as ETFs or index funds.

Equities dominate all other investment opportunities over a long period of time.

Experienced financial professionals from the Principality of Liechtenstein ensure that your assets grow in the long term.

Thanks to its stable economic and political framework, the Principality provides optimal conditions for the safe investment of assets.

Minimum investment amount:

Custodian Bank:
Liechtensteinische Landesbank

1.5% p.a. + 10% performance fee

Frequently asked questions

The minimum investment amount is €100,000. Further additional payments are possible at any time by application.

Your securities are held outside the EU in a custody account at the Liechtensteinische Landesbank (LLB).

Our portfolios consist of hand-picked individual stocks, which are supplemented with our in-house bond fund depending on the strategy.

For an overview of our current and past performance, please see here

More return on your assets

Start your asset management

Rolf Klein

Profit from

  • Comprehensive prosperity planning
  • Flexible implementation option
  • Numerous tax advantages
  • Excellent returns

Your contact

Rolf Klein
Telefone: 49 (0) 2151 – 313 148
Mail: [email protected]



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