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Buy and store gold in the safest financial centre in Europe

We make it easy for you to buy and store physical gold in the Principality of Liechtenstein.

Your gold deposit at the safest Harbour in Europe

The Principality of Liechtenstein has been an internationally recognised and highly valued financial centre for many years. The unique circumstances of the dwarf state offer investors from all over the world optimum political stability and economic security – for many experts, the location is even safer than Switzerland.

We offer you the opportunity to buy physical gold conveniently online and store it securely in this exclusive financial centre. Your assets are thus optimally protected against government intervention and economic uncertainties.

Benefit from the discreet and protected storage of your gold in one of the world’s most secure financial centres – for maximum security and long-term stability of your assets.

Why buy and store gold in Liechtenstein?

Ideal framework conditions

Liechtenstein is one of only a few debt-free AAA countries in the world and boasts an extremely stable banking system - your assets therefore enjoy maximum stability and security.

Trustworthy & secure

Their gold is stored in the vaults of the long-established Liechtensteinische Landesbank - the LLB is considered one of the best banks in the world thanks to its high equity ratios and strong deposit rating.

Attractive conditions

Compared to most other online traders, we buy your gold at more favourable conditions close to the spot price. The fees of 1.49 % p.a. also cover all storage, insurance and service costs.

Your physical gold in safe hands

LLB - Your reliable depositary

We store your gold with Liechtenstein’s most traditional financial institution – the LLB (Liechtensteinische Landesbank), founded in 1861

Thanks to its above-average level of own funds, the LLB Group has an enormous degree of financial stability and security. With a deposit ranking of Aa2, the LLB is in the top league of the world’s best banks.

LLB Logo Neu White Gold
Asset protect currencies

Hedging against a decline in the euro

In addition to gold, you also have the option of adding foreign currencies to your custody account.

For this purpose, we can open accounts for you in Swiss francs, Canadian dollars or Norwegian kroner, among others. The additional diversification of your assets protects you against a devaluation of the euro.

The following strategies are available to you:

Protect 20


Protect 40


Protect 60


Protect 80


Protect 100



+165.59 % since 2016

The Asset Protect 100 portfolio, consisting of 95% gold and 5% Swiss francs, has achieved a performance of 165.59% (before costs and taxes) since 2016.

goldbarren Estably

Purchase price

Cheaper than other retailers

With a deviation of just 0.25 % from the current spot price, we buy your gold more cheaply than most other online traders.

Maximum security

Insured storage included

Your physical gold is stored for you in the LLB’s secure vaults. The management fees of 1.19 % p.a. plus 0.30 % p.a. bank charges include storage and insurance costs. Bank charges include storage and insurance costs.

llb estably


Frequently asked questions

The minimum investment amount is €50,000

All costs are already included in the management fee of 1.19 % p.a. plus bank charges of 0.30 % p.a:
– Storage costs
– insurance costs
– service fees
– Account management fees
– Custody account management fees
– Tax reporting costs

No. Account opening and investment are 100% digital.

The purchase price of the gold deviates by 0.25 % from the average price. This makes us one of the most favorable compared to other providers. We will be happy to provide you with the current daily purchase price including all fees after payment.

A sale is possible on any bank working day. The equivalent value will then be credited to your Asset Protect account. 

There are no separate costs for a sale. Alternatively, you can have the gold delivered at any time. 

Your gold is purchased exclusively from LBMA-certified dealers to ensure both high quality and compliance with ethical standards.

Markus Prodinger Estably
Markus Prodinger, Managing Director & Partner

At a glance

Buy physical gold with Estably and store it securely in Liechtenstein

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