Account Minimum Requirements

Securities account at Interactive Brokers (IBKR) with Estably

Prerequisite for Opening an Securities Account

Benefit from our support for easy securities account registration!

Minimum requirements for a margin account

A margin account (Reg T Margin) can be opened only at the age of 21. With this account trades on margin basis are possible. A deposit of at least €5,000 is required to open the account (or at least the same value in another currency). The difference with the cash account is that the investor can immediately dispose of the released liquidity after the transaction is completed. In addition, shares can be sold short. How much margin is available is calculated by the system in real time.

Minimum requirements for a cash account

A cash deposit can be opened at the age of 18. Minimum deposit is 5,000 € (optionally this value is possible in another currency or a securities account transfer which has the same value). In order to be able to buy shares (or restricted forward contracts - no options or futures) via the cash account, this account must always have sufficient liquidity. Margin trading is not possible with this account. Funds from cleared transactions are not available to the investor until two days after the transaction is completed.


For the different types of securities accounts, all trading authorizations are identical and do not differ in terms and conditions. Only the market data packages are more expensive for corporate accounts than for private accounts.

Types of Custody Account Management

Our services

You trade with your IBKR securities account and we are available to answer all your questions with our expertise. 

Open account at IBKR now.

If you want to trade on the markets yourself, the securities account at IBKR is the right choice for you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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