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Complaint Management

You have chosen a service from Estably Asset Management Ltd. We thank you for your trust.

Since it is very important to us that you are satisfied with our service, please inform us immediately if you are not satisfied with our performance.

Please use the following form for a complaint:

Complaint Form Download (PDF)

Send us this form by e-mail, fax or post:

Estably Asset Management Ltd.

attn. Management/Compliance
P.O. Box 765
Schaanerstrasse 29
9490 Vaduz

Phone +423 220 29 70
E-Mail [email protected]

Your complaint will be registered by our compliance department and reported to the management. Your complaint will be investigated immediately and you will receive written feedback within 20 working days.

You can also contact the out-of-court conciliation office in the financial services sector at as a neutral and free mediation centre for complaints.


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